13/07/2017 (czwartek), 19:00, Ogród Powszechny:
Ogród Powszechny zaprasza na warsztaty organizowane przez społeczność międzynarodową „Write the City”.
Do you like to write? Have you ever felt blocked when writing? Or maybe you are just in complete disagreement with the way it is all written and said nowadays? Then come and join us as we discover a tool to create art, literature and work over those words already written to express ourselves.
Blackout Poetry is a tool/technique with which you can turn any piece of existing text and give it a whole new essence and meaning. It was started by Austin Kleon, with the newspaper blackout poetry, and has gained popularity for the many possibilities it offers. We invite you to come, experience and create blackout poetry yourself!
Workshop held by the international collectiv Write the City.